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Bent Axis Piston Pumps

£561.00£902.00 exc VAT

  • XPi Bent Axis Piston Pumps from 25 to 130cc
  • Pump automatically sets to required direction of rotation
  • Minimum size envelope
  • High rotating speeds – 1750 to 3150 rpm
  • High output pressure – 380 bar continuous working pressure, 420 bar peak pressure
  • Reduced noise levels
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Bent axis piston pumps c/w suction fitting. The XPi range of bent axis piston pumps are designed for the most severe working conditions in terms of space available, drive speed of the pump and power required.

To meet such performance criteria we opted for the ‘bent axis’ concept, and optimized the pump design. Using 7 pistons, innovative plate – barrel synchronisation, automatic change of rotation, reinforced sealing and use of materials with high mechanical resistance.

Dual direction of rotation is achieved by fitting the suction inlet fitting on the required side and the pump will set itself accordingly.

Additional information

Displacement (cc) Piston Pumps

25, 35, 40, 50, 65, 80, 110, 130

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